Motivation & Inspiration

fear of failure

Fear of Failure

Fear of Failure can quickly cause your business to decline or may stop any growth process in the making. When things are running smoothly we usually "feel" on top of the world and our imaginations do not know any limits. It is very unfortunate that most of us learn limitations while we grow up directly through our environment. We are not born with any limits, as children we explore without fear until limitations are set by our parents. This continuous throughout life...


Frustrated with your business?

How many times per week are you getting frustrated with your business? How do you usually deal with it? As business owners we have a higher rate of problems that we are usually facing on a daily bases. The good news is that we can learn how to face and handle them better. Frustration is the result of a thought process, an opinion you have about that particular occurrence. If you think it is bad, if you give it the emotional...

The American Dream

The American Dream

The American Dream, closer today than ever before. Millions of people around the world are still seeing the United States as the land of the unlimited possibilities. And it is true, entrepreneurship is encouraged, it is extremely simple to engage into business activity and potentially make it big in the US. Nowhere else in the world is sales and marketing bigger than here, the market is huge and you can be whoever you can dream off. But where and

Hard Work vs Opportunity

Hard Work vs Opportunity

Hard work or opportunity?  The idea of the one great opportunity is all we need for our big breakthrough, is what most are waiting for, and than it never comes. I have seen people jumping from opportunity to opportunity, because it looked easy and eventually was not. People misunderstand an opportunity takes work to realize and seldom comes at a bargain. Especially in today's society, we are easily seduced by the idea of taking shortcuts and will our way...

how to start a startup

How to start a startup

When it comes to how to start a startup, many things come to mind, which can be somewhat overwhelming. Questions like "Where do I get the money from"?, "Do I have what it takes"?, "What will my family say"?, "Where do I start"? and many more will cross your mind. This can be intimidating, especially if this is the first time you are trying to start a business. Don't let these things discourage you, everybody was once in your shoes. This...

Purpose of your business

Purpose behind your business

People often ask me "What is the ultimate secret to running a successful business"? The answer is many things, but I believe the strongest force behind becoming successful with your business is finding purpose. I knew a lady which was successful in many aspects, but at the time her main concern was to loose some pounds. After having children and doing a lot of office work she put on a significant amount of weight which...